Alfred 2 Workflow: Send to iPhone

UPDATE (09.05.2013): Instead of using this, you should probably get the official workflow from here.

Send to iPhone

This updates the “old” myPhoneDesktop for Alfred App Extension to work with Alfred v2. The main script is from the Alfred v1 extension, and has not been modified at all.

For a full guide of how to use this extension, read this post about the original Alfred extension: myPhoneDesktop for Alfred App Extension

Note: I am not affiliated with the original author of the extension nor with myPhoneDesktop. I just needed this for myself.

Download: Send-to-iPhone.alfredworkflow

Alfred 2 Workflow: Airplay via Beamer

Alfred v2 released

After many months of development and beta testing, Alfred v2 has now officially landed!

Alfred v2 is re-written from the ground up to be faster, more efficient and easier to use. Overall, less than 15% of Alfred v1’s code was reused, and every feature was carefully improved and given the love it needs.

Imagine if…

Imagine if…

Imagine if you woke up tomorrow and all the music was gone

Alfred Extension: Toggle Tunlr

Toggle Tunlr screenshot

This Alfred extension changes your Wi-Fi DNS settings to the Tunlr servers and back again.

The script naïvely assumes that you are using a Wi-Fi network and that you normally don’t have any DNS servers manually set.

Tunlr lets you stream content from sites like Netflix, Hulu, MTV, CBS, ABC, Pandora and more to your Mac or PC. Want to watch Netflix or HuluPlus on your iPad, AppleTV or XBox 360 even though you’re not in the U.S.? Tunlr lets you do this.

Download the latest version from

See also: Alfred 2 Workflow: Toggle Tunlr

Duck boat

Duck boat

Want to buy a boat? Duck-shaped boats are the best

Alfred Extension: Repair LaunchServices

Repair LaunchServices screenshot

Do you have duplicate items under the Finder Open With menu? If so, repairing the Launch Services register usually helps, you can do this by executing the command below (in Terminal), or by using my Repair LaunchServices Alfred extension.

Download: Repair-LaunchServices.alfredextension

Alfred Extension: Airplay via Beamer

This simple Alfred extension is primarily meant to be used as a file action. It uses Beamer to play the given file over AirPlay (for example to an Apple TV).

Download: AirPlay-via-Beamer.alfredextension

Airplay via Beamer screencast

(Obviously having Beamer is a prerequisite for this extension)

Alfred extensions breakdown

Alfred Extensions


  • AirPlay via Beamer

    • I mostly use this as a file action to select movies to send to my Apple TV via
  • Extension Updater

    • Automatically update compatible extensions
  • Flush DNS

    • Flush the OS X DNS cache
  • URL ShortenerURL shortener for GitHub
  • Open in…

    • Firefox
    • Opera
    • Safari
    • open the given URL in the selected browser
  • Repair LaunchServices

    • Repair LaunchServices (to remove duplicates from the Open With… menu
  • Send to iPhone

    • Send the given URL, text, or file to my iPhone via myPhoneDesktop
  • Toggle Tunlr
    • Set/unset the Tunlr DNS servers


  • Toggle Amerika/Britannia
    • Toggle my VPNs on or off

The number of pens is too damn high